I have showed how to create VM templates in my blog earlier – Creating VM Templates in Proxmox – SecBytes. In this blog, I will walk you through a quick guide on how to create the virtual machines from the templates. This blog is a generalised version for creating virtual machines from the templates, which…
Author: Sumit
Self-Hosted Kubernetes Cluster in your Home Lab
Kubernetes has always been tricky deployment for the newbies and setting it up at home requires some beefy hardware with multiple nodes running on it. You can achieve this with K3s which is lightweight version of Kubernetes meant for deployment on home PCs or low-end systems. In this blog, I will be showing you on…
Creating VM Templates in Proxmox
Virtual machine template is an awesome feature provided by Proxmox. This template can be used to quickly set up a pre-configured virtual machine, minimizing the time required for installation and setup. This is very handy when you want to set up a virtual machine that is similar to the other ones in your environment or…
Before starting to use Proxmox
In continuation to my previous blog post on Setting up a low-budget home lab, which illustrated the usage of Proxmox to serve as a bare metal operating system to host the virtual machines, it is good to have a few housekeeping done before we start using the platform. This blog post intends for you to…
Setting up a low-budget home lab
Setting up a server at home is not an easy task, as well is not very pocket friendly. I had been struggling until I came across people setting up servers using used/refurbished thin client machines. In this blog, I will guide you on how you can set up a running server on a thin client…
Blocking Ads on Your Home Network
Over the years, as the technologies have advanced, so has the online businesses. There are new marketing strategies in place to make businesses bloom. One such marketing strategy is to pick up the information stored on your browsers’ storage and show relevant ads. For people who are more concerned about their online privacy, these ads…
Lab Solution: Me and My Girlfriend 1
Machine Link: https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/me-and-my-girlfriend-1,409/# Machine Author: TW1C3 (@makegreatagain_) Description (as given by the machine author): This VM tells us that there are a couple of lovers namely Alice and Bob, where the couple was originally very romantic, but since Alice worked at a private company, “Ceban Corp”, something has changed from Alice’s attitude towards Bob like…
Capturing NTLM Hashes using Bettercap
Recently during an engagement, while I was performing an internal network assessment, I figured out that responder was not able to capture the hashes. Initially I thought that this might be due to some issue with the responder configuration or the options that I am using. After fiddling with it for a while, I started…
Getting system access using malicious word file
Microsoft Office Word / Wordpad remote code execution vulnerability allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system. An attacker can send specially crafted files which can cause the MS Word / Wordpad to download a remote shell and the attacker can gain access of the system. Once, the attacker has control of…
Shielding your browsing activities from the watchdogs
Nowadays, anything you do in the digital world is being tracked by someone. Either government agencies or the bad guys are always watching you. It’s now easy to shield your activities from these watchdogs.